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Podcast VissiaVisie May, 17th 2020

Podcast VissiaVisie May, 17th 2020

What problems are “crying out” for blockchain? What does the better world look like in which money flows are not, or at least much less, controlled by governments and banks? Can you genuinely get rich with bitcoin? This Dutch podcast addresses these questions and more.

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Equity Tokens and the role of Custodians & Depositaries

Equity Tokens and the role of Custodians & Depositaries

As Blockchain technology is maturing at an astronomical speed, we see that there is a typical use case that is getting more and more momentum. This is the use case for Equity Tokens. If we look at the definition of an Equity Token, we can say that an Equity token is a...

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Future of Capital Markets

Future of Capital Markets

This position paper is the work of more than a year of research and discussion between Liqwith and Chaintip. The result? A proposal for a new ecosystem in the financial world. Our goal is to bring together new technologies and traditional financial parties in the Netherlands.

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